- rifled bore
- нарезная часть канала ствола
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
rifled-bore weapons — graižtviniai ginklai statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šaunamieji ginklai, kurių vamzdyje ištekintos ↑graižtvos. Graižtviniai ginklai – tai graižtviniai šautuvai, karabinai, kulkosvaidžiai, pistoletai, patrankos, haubicos, kai kurie… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
bore — bore1 boreable, borable, adj. /bawr, bohr/, v., bored, boring, n. v.t. 1. to pierce (a solid substance) with some rotary cutting instrument. 2. to make (a hole) by drilling with such an instrument. 3. to form, make, or construct (a tunnel, mine,… … Universalium
Rifled breech loader — A rifled breech loader (RBL) is a large artillery piece which, unlike the smooth bore cannon and rifled muzzle loader (RML) which preceded it, has rifling in the barrel and is loaded from the breech at the rear of the gun.The spin imparted by the … Wikipedia
rifled slug — noun Etymology: from past participle of rifle (IV) : a shotgun projectile having a round nose, a hollow base, and sides cut with a series of oblique grooves that increase the accuracy of the projectile by causing it to rotate as it passes through … Useful english dictionary
rifled slug — a shotgun projectile with helical grooves on its sides for imparting a spin to it when it is fired through the smooth bore of the shotgun. * * * … Universalium
rifled — adjective Having a spiral on the interior of a gun bore to make a fired bullet spin in flight to improve range and accuracy. Ant: smoothbore, unrifled See Also: rifle … Wiktionary
bore diameter — 1. In a rifled barrel it is the minor diameter of a barrel which is the diameter of a circle formed by the tops of the lands. 2. In a shotgun it is the interior dimensions of the barrel forward of the chamber, but before the choke … Forensic science glossary
rifled — adjective make spiral grooves in (a gun or its barrel or bore). → rifle … English new terms dictionary
.410 bore — 410 bore, commonly misnamed the .410 gauge, is the smallest caliber of shotgun shell commonly available. It has similar base dimensions to the .45 Colt revolver cartridge (though the .410 is significantly longer, up to 3 inches in length),… … Wikipedia
smooth-bore — smoothˈ bore adjective (of a firearm) not rifled (also smoothˈ bored) noun A gun with a smooth bored barrel • • • Main Entry: ↑smooth … Useful english dictionary
smooth|bore — «SMOOTH BR, BOHR», adjective, noun. –adj. not rifled. A smoothbore gun has no grooves in its barrel. –n. a smoothbore gun. ╂[American English < smooth + bore1] … Useful english dictionary